About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Interconectando Saberes (IS) is a scientific journal, published on the Institute of Research and Higher Studies Economic and Social (IIESES) of the Universidad Veracruzana. The journal is an international, peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary, open-access, dedicated to distributing scientific articles. Interconectando Saberes is published two times per year (in January and July).

Founded in 2016, Interconectando Saberes publishes scientific research articles with a focus on transdisciplinary studies, which promote development and innovation in the areas of economics, social sciences, education, emerging technologies, and complex thinking. The journal publishes scientific research, review articles, advances of research projects, and book review.

The journal provides open access to all its publications, so there are no costs to submit, publish, or read. It is published semiannually in electronic versions.

Peer Review Process

The articles received will be reviewed under the double-blind review process; in this process, authors and reviewers will be anonymous. The selection of the reviewer will be by his profile and lines of investigation relatives to the manuscript.

The reviewers will give their evaluation taking into account each of the texts that comply with the aspects of originality, relevance, interest, relevance. As well as a clear, logical, and coherent exposition, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of publication.

The review process has a term of 4 weeks, once the call is open.

The final review may be:

  1. Publish without objections. The text will automatically be scheduled for publication in the journal, provided that the second review (in the case of the Research section) is also publishable without objection.
  2. Publish with minor changes. The author will have a term of 20 working days, from the date of return, to present the corrected version of his text. In this case, the editor commission validates that the consideration of the suggestions.
  3. Resend. The author will have a near term of 30 days, counted from the return date, to present the corrected version of his text. The paper will be sent to reviewers in a second round to determine the relevance of the new version.
  4. Not publishable. The review will clearly state the reasons why the text cannot be published.

In the case of the opposite result of the reviewers, we will request a third reviewer to solve the conflict.

Publication Frequency

Interconectando Saberes is published every six months (in January and July) and is entirely free.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content through http://is.uv.mx under the principle that was making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global exchange of knowledge. 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the journal, editorial board, the Universidad Veracruzana, or the institution of origin. Interconectando Saberes authorizes the total, or partial reproduction of the articles presented, giving credit to the journal and the authors.

Anti-plagiarism policy

The authors must guarantee that the manuscripts sent to Interconectando Saberes are original, that they have not published, or considered for any other journal.

The policy for academic plagiarism prevention involves sending manuscripts before the review process, to the plagiarism detection software iThenticate. For more information about the software, go to https://crosscheck.ithenticate.com/

In the case of detecting a possible case of plagiarism, we will proceed to consult with the author of the manuscript to solves the observation. If there is no response or if the author cannot resolve the comment favorably, the paper will be rejected automatically.

Ethics policy and good practices

Interconectando Saberes assumes the guidelines of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE): https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.2.19

Also, the journal adopted these good practices:

  1. Any scientific research material or academic contribution, whether of an article nature, opinion article, research progress, or essay, must be untold in Spanish or English and must be governed by the Anti-plagiarism Policy.
  2. Interconectando Saberes is an open-access journal, so no charges of any kind to the authors will be requested.
  3. The authors do not receive any payment for their publications.
  4. The authors agree to comply with the editorial guidelines set out in the Policy Section.
  5. The authors must send their contributions through the OJS platform, keeping their username and password under guard. Also, the corresponding author will be in charge of capturing the co-authors of participation in the correct order.
  6. Once the article was received, the author will receive an automatic confirmation by email sent by the OJS platform.
  7. The articles received will be review under the double-blind review process; in this process, both authors and reviewers will be anonymous.
  8. The editorial board may reject contributions from the authors even before the double-blind review process, in case the manuscript does not comply with the minimum quality standards.
  9. The double-blind review process begins with the invitation of the reviewer, who will have one to two weeks to confirm their participation. Subsequently, it will take between 2 to 4 weeks, to make the review of the manuscript and send its resolution. 
  10. The reviewers should: evaluate objectively; treat all documents confidentially; dispatch the verdict following the guidelines of the review form, respecting the established times.
  11. The reviewers have the right to decline support for the journal at any time. Whenever they send it by writing a letter, to avoid obstruction of the editorial process.
  12. For reviewers, once the review process concluded, they will be sent a letter of formal invitation and a certificate of participation.
  13. The Journal Interconectando Saberes does not perform translation work of any material, and it is the responsibility of the authors to submit at least the title, abstract, and keywords of their contribution in two languages, preferably Spanish and English.
  14. Interconectando Saberes is an open-access standard, whereby the author retains his rights and is free to share, copy and distribute the material in any medium or format, provided he submits with the appropriate credit, to the page of the journal (http://is.uv.mx/) and share the link of its article.
  15. A notification will be sent to the contact author when an article status changes (accepted, minor correction, resend, or rejected).

Sources of income

Interconectando Saberes is funded by the Universidad Veracruzana, through the Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores Económicos y Sociales. It is published on a non-profit basis.

Publication fees

It is completly free to publish papers in Interconectando Saberes. Interconectando Saberes is an Open Access Journal that does not charge any fee to receive, distribute or download articles.

Article processing charge: $0.0

Paper access fees: $0.0 


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 Interconectando Saberes journal has the characteristic of having open access. It is available on the internet at the site http://is.uv.mx, and the access of the content is completely free. Articles can be downloaded, printed, copied partially or totally, as long as they are not altered and the credits lie with the authors. Credits must be by reference or appointment, made through one of the accepted styles. The use of the articles must be non-commercial, not allowing derivative works.


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Signatory DORA

Journal History

Interconectando Saberes (IS) is a scientific journal, published on the Institute of Research and Higher Studies Economic and Social (IIESES) of the Universidad Veracruzana. The journal is an international, peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary, open-access, dedicated to distributing scientific articles. Interconectando Saberes is published two times per year (in January and July).

Founded in 2016, Interconectando Saberes publishes scientific research articles with a focus on transdisciplinary studies, which promote development and innovation in the areas of economics, social sciences, education, emerging technologies, and complex thinking. The journal publishes scientific research, review articles, advances of research projects, and book review.

The journal provides open access to all its publications, so there are no costs to submit, publish, or read. It is published semiannually in electronic versions.


Founded in 2016, Interconectando Saberes publishes scientific research articles with a focus on transdisciplinary studies, which promote development and innovation in the areas of: economics; social sciences; education; emerging technologies; and complex thinking. The journal invites to present scientific articles, articles of opinion, advances of research projects and essays, both in English and in Spanish. The journal provides open access to all its publications, so there are no costs to submit, publish or read. It is published semiannually in electronic versions.