Educational Augmented Reality: a proposal from the perspectives and approaches
Interconectando Saberes Número 3
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Realidad Aumentada
Aprendizaje Augmented reality
instructional design

How to Cite

López Martínez, I., Rodríguez Aburto, V., Rodríguez Juárez, A. G., & Sandoval Montesinos, R. (2017). Educational Augmented Reality: a proposal from the perspectives and approaches. Interconectando Saberes, (3), 1–14. Retrieved from


Experimental works about Augmented Reality (AR) among educational characteristics (Kaufmann H, 2009), express that their applications act as a method with benefits in the learning process; motivating creativeness and the construction of mental innovative models regarding engineering topics (Kesim, Ozarslan, 2012)(Di Serio, Á., Ibáñez, M. B., & Kloos, C. D., 2013), from schooling at the kinder garden stage, high schools and universities, to science centres (Novak-Marcincin J., Barna J., Janak M. & Novakova-Marcincinova L., 2013) where AR has been used as a innovational technology; Other reports alined with the TIC expose the AR as an emergent technology about to be implemented on the following years (Johnson L., Smith R., Willis H., Levine A., & Haywood K., 2011); according the projects and their reports it’s been identified the existence of various methodologies, designs and approaches for the utilization of AR in the educational field: the instructional design, the characteristics and affordances and the pedagogical intention are defined for each application where the instructor proposes an unique style for its construction, yet the teacher has to be supported for the programming and creation of those apps using AR. The revision and analysis of different works allows the sustainability of the need of giving the docent a system where the authorship for the generation of AR, where the content, design and application will be part of the profesor’s self-management, allowing its modification and updating.

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