Information and Communication Technologies in the Latin American Public Administration
Numero 4
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Administración Pública Innovation
Public Administration

How to Cite

Marín Lozano, E. A. (2018). Information and Communication Technologies in the Latin American Public Administration. Interconectando Saberes, (4), 101–116. Retrieved from


With the advent of the knowledge society, it is considered a technological evolution which is supported by capitalism. Developing ICT generates an efficiency in the development of a country aimed at meeting the demands of globalization, which is why it is established that the Mexican government should encourage the use of ICT contributing to the development of New Public Management, where it can be verified that knowledge has ceased to be the main value and is conditioned to a dominant value as innovation in all sectors of society. The development of Information and Communication Technologies is enabling an increase in productivity, as a result of the efforts in this sector as well as in the extent to which its application has in other areas, which motivates that the technological efforts should not be oriented exclusively to the creation of large channels of information, but to increase the quality and productivity of the workers involved.

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