The figure of the Support Makers in the co-formation of references of sociocultural practices
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hacedores de apoyo
trama cultural
prácticas socioculturales de grupos independientes
poder sobre los propios actos
makers of support
cultural plot
socio-cultural practices of independent groups
power over their own acts

How to Cite

Bianco Dubini, G. (2019). The figure of the Support Makers in the co-formation of references of sociocultural practices. Interconectando Saberes.


Within the framework of Cultura Imaginada (activity that recognizes the actions of Argentine cultural collectives), the Support Maker (referring to the academic and / or internship field, with territorial experience, thematic trajectory and teaching capacity), coordinates spaces thematic ones that aim to optimize the territorial work of the participating practices. Despite the conceptual, methodological and ideological sharing of a participatory pedagogical perspective, contradictions have been identified in the actions of some Support Makers linked to connivance with classic forms of teaching and learning. Returning to the analytical contributions provided by the constitutive matrices of the Cultural Plot, some characteristics acquired by the pedagogical formats will be exposed to rethink proposals that, from the collective construction of knowledge and methods, sustain real co-formations between peers
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