Expectation of teaching of ethics in higher education
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Enseñanza de la ética
Educación superior
Docencia Universitaria
Expectativas Teaching of ethics
Higher education
University teaching
Expectations of teachers
Expectations of students

How to Cite

Cabrera Benavides, L. L., & Mora Granja, J. A. (2019). Expectation of teaching of ethics in higher education. Interconectando Saberes, (8). https://doi.org/10.25009/is.v0i8.2621


Expectations of teaching ethics arises from the research "State of the Teaching of Ethics in Higher Education" 2017-2018 Case of the University of Nariño. The article from the empirical part describes the expectations of teachers and students regarding the teaching of ethics, for which they are semi-structured interviews. Among the results is that both teachers and students expect an ethics course to relate theory to practice holistically.
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