Gamification in public basic education - application possibilities
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Escuela Primaria
Metodologías activas
Educación básica Elementary School
Active methodologies
Basic education

How to Cite

Sánchez-Pacheco, C. L. (2020). Gamification in public basic education - application possibilities. Interconectando Saberes, (9).


This article analyzes the possibilities of educational use of gamification with the support of mobile devices, applied in basic public education, based on the experiences obtained during the construction and realization of the dissertation "Gamification and mobile devices in math classes", conducted between 2018 and 2019. In most public elementary schools, digital technologies, where they exist and when they are in operation, are often underutilized or used as support, without direct connection to the subjects taught. To analyze the feasibility of applying the technique of allied gamification to mobile devices as mediators for the teaching-learning process in the public school is the main objective of this article, which also seeks to propose gamification as an alternative for teaching learning in education basic The study seeks to dialogue in its theoretical base with researchers working in the area of technologies, learning, online learning and gamification. Therefore, the article aims at the validation and possible contributions of the application of the use of gamification and mobile devices as assistants in teaching-learning in public basic education.
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