The importance of the research methodology in the Medicine career at the National University of Rosario
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Medical career
Carrera de medicina

How to Cite

Castillo Salazar, I. Z.-H., & Belloni, N. L. (2021). The importance of the research methodology in the Medicine career at the National University of Rosario. Interconectando Saberes, (11).


Kerlinger and Lee (2002) mention that research is and must be so orderly that the researcher can have full confidence in its results, for this reason, methodology is used as a pillar of all research because it does not give room for error, it is responsible for classifying and filtering the information in such a way that knowledge is obtained in the most accurate way possible to the historical, social and cultural context of the researcher (p. 13). All knowledge must be questioned and tested, a fact that refers us to the analysis carried out by this discipline to evaluate the quality of the information collected and cannot be separated from the process of obtaining - renewing knowledge, since it has been postponed from the beginning in the background to better understand the function of methodology.
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