Application of Machine Learning in Industry 4.0 in times of pandemic
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Industry 4.0
Artificial intelligence
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Smart Factory
Pandemic Industria 4.0
Inteligencia Artificial
Aprendizaje Automático
Aprendizaje Profundo
Fábrica Inteligente

How to Cite

Romero Bravo, G. J., Espinoza Maza, J. de J., Macgluf Issasi, A., Suárez Álvarez, Ángel, & Rodríguez Rodríguez, L. A. (2021). Application of Machine Learning in Industry 4.0 in times of pandemic. Interconectando Saberes, (11).


The highest economic growth is driven by major technological innovations. Meanwhile, the industry is trying to take advantage of these revolutionary technologies to create new business models and generate high profits within the minimum cost. Currently, we are in the fourth industrial revolution, where one of the most important technologies is artificial intelligence. Specifically, Machine Learning emerges as a subfield of artificial intelligence that gives computers the ability to learn about something for which they have not been explicitly programmed. During the recent global emergency, scientists, physicians, and healthcare experts around the world keep seeking new technologies to help address the Covid-19 pandemic and prevent future pandemics. Evidence of the application of Machine Learning and artificial intelligence in the previous epidemic encourages researchers by providing a new angle to overcome the new coronavirus outbreak.
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