Transforming humanity: features for innovative teaching practice
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Educational innovation
Teaching practice
Educational policy Innovación educativa
Política educativa
Práctica docente

How to Cite

Lara Domínguez, R., & Hernández Méndez, G. (2022). Transforming humanity: features for innovative teaching practice. Interconectando Saberes, (14), 137–145.


The main objective of this document is to analyze the features of a teaching practice, based on educational innovation, for the transformation of humanity. For this, a study was carried out based on documentary analysis and the reflection of different primary and secondary sources. Establishing that, in the face of global and local transformations, under current conditions and demands, educational innovation is presented as an ideal strategy to respond to the singular and particular; to the situations and problems that emerge in the classroom and outside of it.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Griselda Hernández Méndez, Roberto Lara Domínguez