This paper presents South Korea as an object of study because it is an avant-garde country in technological and digital development, and because of the impact that these technologies have caused in the business world, since being a market that uses high digital standards, it is extremely important to know the type of strategies that must be implemented when planning to enter a highly technological market. In addition, it is intended to identify the advantages of the use of new technologies in marketing, for which, the phenomenon of marketing and digital campaigns is analyzed as a new way in which companies communicate and interact with their customers in a more efficient way. The use of alternative search engines and local social networks is also highlighted as a primary tool to learn about shopping preferences and enter Korean retail, especially online commerce.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2021 Margarita Altamirano Vásquez, Lizeth Silvia Ojeda Farías, María Guadalupe Rueda Gómez