The microhistory of cacao in Jalcomulco, Veracruz: social participation for a sustainable use from the revaluation of local knowledge, resources and capacities
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Aprovechamiento Sostenible
Recursos Locales Sustainable Use
Local Resources

How to Cite

Ayala Benítez, D. O. (2021). The microhistory of cacao in Jalcomulco, Veracruz: social participation for a sustainable use from the revaluation of local knowledge, resources and capacities. Interconectando Saberes, (12), 185–191.


The microhistory of cacao in Jalcomulco, Veracruz; addresses the socio-historical implications that are woven from this element as an essential ingredient in the preparation of the traditional champurrado with cocoa in the locality. This hot drink accompanies and is shared on special dates, acquiring a symbolic value linked to its traditions. Cocoa is linked to a local historical consumption that involves inherited knowledge and practices around the way it is grown, processed and prepared. So that microhistory, gives an account of its origin in the beginning, and exposes its relationships: of the agricultural context, practices around cultivation, inherited knowledge, participation by gender, use, of the moments and spaces of significance. Considering itself as the basis for a proposal for the sustainable use of cocoa, which starts from the recognition and revaluation of local knowledge, resources and capacities for its own environmental management, oriented towards the social economy.
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