Study of the legislation of the Internet of things in Mexico
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Internet de las Cosas
usos Internet of Things

How to Cite

Otero Escobar, A. D., & Suárez Jasso, E. (2021). Study of the legislation of the Internet of things in Mexico. Interconectando Saberes, (12), 1–14.


The internet of things today has proliferated in an extraordinary way in the world. In Mexico, efforts have been made to cover the legal aspects that imply the use of such important technology, trying to solve the existing gaps, since the advancement of technology has exceeded the time of their legislation. The objective of this research is to identify the scope of legislation on the Internet of Things based on the generalities, environment, services and implementation models in current organizations. It is a documentary and descriptive investigation, its main contribution prevails in the compilation and interpretation of the legal aspects of the internet of things applied to a real case.
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