Covid 19 has caused several difficulties in different areas of life such as economic and social, as well as family and school. This is due to the confinement. Although it has diminished, it has not ended at all. This phenomenon has caused a variety of psychological issues such as depression, sleep disorder, annoyance, panic, among others. There is a set of signs and mood changes that portrays emotional symptoms such as general malaise, excessive worries derived from the changes in home daily life. This work has a quantitative, descriptive, transversal, and non-experimental approach. The sample consists of 211 health area students who has experience negative emotional effects such as worrying of returning to face-to-face classes, fear of losing the school cycle, fear of contagion, tension and anxiety caused by the confinement. All the previously mentioned before has relations with covid 19.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Genaro Torres Vázquez, Carlos David Zetina Pérez, Sandra Juárez Solís