Learning planning of the educational esperience how to applied the statistics un a research projects?
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Higher education
Statistical Thinking
Research Educación superior
Pensamiento Estadístico

How to Cite

Del Callejo Canal, D. D., Canal Martínez, M. E., & Hákim Krayem, M. R. . (2023). Learning planning of the educational esperience how to applied the statistics un a research projects?. Interconectando Saberes, (15), 91–104. https://doi.org/10.25009/is.v0i15.2785


The results of the development of the Educational Experience (EE) are presented. How to apply statistics in research projects? (winter 2021 intersemester) taught in January 2022, through the implementation of a new planning and operation process caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Appropriate learning routes were defined for the online modality. The Eminus 4 platform of the Universidad Veracruzana and Microsoft Teams were used for educational continuity. The relationship between the teacher/facilitator and students was evidenced through a didactic/dynamic process of learning and/or teaching, where creativity was sought to strengthen student competencies, promote student autonomy and the role of teacher guide. through teaching-learning practices. It will be modified that 100% of the students accredit the EE with a final work in the form of a scientific article in IMRAD format related to a social network.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Donají Del Callejo Canal, Margarita Edith Canal Martínez, Mónica Rubiette Hákim Krayem