The objective of this article will be to know the way in which the full-time teachers, from the FCAS, adapted and were able to get ahead, faced with the challenge of modifying their teaching-learning techniques from a face-to-face way to another in which very few had dared to delve into virtual or distance education. This article explains the way in which this research will be carried out: first, it will discuss the environment in which the FCAS teachers were before and during the pandemic, the objective of the research, the methodology that will be used; In this part, the universe that will be used as a base will be explained, to later establish the technique chosen to determine the sample, then the instrument that will be used to collect the information will be presented. It is important to clarify that this research presents the first part.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rosa Ela Gutiérrez Bonilla, Manuel Ignacio Martínez Acuña