The National Digital Strategy as a public policy for digital inclusion in Mexico
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Políticas Públicas
Brecha Digital
Inclusión Digital Technology
Public Policies
Digital Divide
Digital Inclusion

How to Cite

Cruz Ramírez, E., & Ostos Cruz, C. E. (2023). The National Digital Strategy as a public policy for digital inclusion in Mexico. Interconectando Saberes, (16), 1–9.


Currently, the Mexican Government is focused on promoting digital inclusion, addressing the challenges that limit full development in various aspects of the daily life of Mexican society. One of the main challenges is the digital divide, which restricts access to the rights established in the Constitution of Mexico. To deal with this problem, public policies are being implemented that seek to guarantee an effective, efficient, and satisfactory use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by the public administration. The main objective of these measures is to ensure that all citizens have equal opportunities to take advantage of the benefits of ICT, thus contributing to digital inclusion and a more equitable society.
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