Cultural management and popular expressions: the case of Voluminosas Cuba
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Cultural Management
Cultural Institutions
Public Cultural Policies
Cultural Expressions
Las Voluminosas Gestión Cultural
Instituciones de la Cultura
Políticas Culturales Públicas
Expresiones Culturales
Las Voluminosas

How to Cite

Ortíz Domínguez, W., Martínez Tena, A. de la C., Expósito García, E., & Villalón García, G. L. (2023). Cultural management and popular expressions: the case of Voluminosas Cuba. Interconectando Saberes, (16), 125–136.


Cultural management is one of the most valuable tools within the Cuban cultural institutions system, as it promotes the implementation of public cultural policies and the development of cultural democratization processes. This article falls within the scope of this tool, and the results presented are part of the research project "Characterization and improvement of the management of cultural institutions within the framework of the Cultural Development Program (CDP) of the Ministry of Culture (MINCULT)," conducted at the Center for Cuban and Caribbean Social Studies Dr. José A. Portuondo, University of Oriente, Cuba. A mixed methodology was employed, and the testimonies collected corroborate the significance of "Las Voluminosas" as representatives of popular culture. Their activities and the projection of their practices constitute focal points of interest for the study of sociocultural processes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 William Ortíz Domínguez, Alicia de la Caridad Martínez Tena, Elpidio Expósito García, Giovanni L. Villalón García