Analysis of the Global Innovation Index in Latin America and the Caribbean: Perspectives on its evolution
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Latin American
Caribbean Innovación
América Latina

How to Cite

Vega Zárate, C., Fernández Elías, R., Pozos Ceballos, S., & Ricárdez Jiménez, J. D. (2024). Analysis of the Global Innovation Index in Latin America and the Caribbean: Perspectives on its evolution. Interconectando Saberes, (17), 117–131.


The Latin American and Caribbean region faces important challenges in terms of innovation. When studying aspects such as favorable environment, infrastructure, scientific and technological capabilities, qualified personnel, dissemination of results, industrial property and innovative products, within national innovation systems, their measurement must be taken into consideration as a vital point to make a comparison between countries. An analysis of the behavior of innovation is carried out by studying the Global Innovation Index of 17 countries in the area in the period 2019-2023. Lags are detected in various areas, regional division and the need to achieve an optimal relationship between the inputs and outputs of the innovation process. Countries such as Chile, Brazil and Mexico stand out with positive performances.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 César Vega Zárate, Rafael Fernández Elías, Sergio Pozos Ceballos, Jerónimo Domingo Ricárdez Jiménez