Forms of Abuse Against Women During the Porfiriato
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Código Civil Violence
Civil Code

How to Cite

Santibáñez Tijerina, B. E., & Toxqui Furlong, M. G. (2024). Forms of Abuse Against Women During the Porfiriato. Interconectando Saberes, (Dossier1), 41–47.


This paper seeks to analyze some manifestations considered violent with their respective consequences both in family life and in social life, since this was not only constrained to the wife, but also encompassed daughters, sisters and in a certain sense mothers; It should be clarified that for the purposes of this work, the physical violence exercised by men against women will be left aside, especially in the family environment, and we will focus on other types of abuse such as control of social behavior, restrictions on the exercise of rights over children in the event of divorce, among others. Many of these emissions were present when the rules of conduct imposed by men were broken or altered, it was then that the father or husband exercised any type of violence within the family, whether emotional, patrimonial and sometimes even physical.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Blanca Esthela Santibáñez Tijerina, Mayra Gabriela Toxqui Furlong