This study addresses the optimization of vehicular traffic at an intersection in the city of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, by applying a queueing model (M/M/S) and Monte Carlo simulation. Field observations were conducted to obtain data on vehicle arrival times and traffic light service times. The performance measures of the model were calculated using arrival rates, service rates, and system utilization. Subsequently, the behavior of the traffic flow was simulated under different scenarios, identifying saturation points. The results show that, with constant arrival rates, the system operates stably. However, with maximum arrival rates, certain roads begin to saturate. These findings lay the groundwork for optimizing traffic light synchronization times in later phases of the project.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rodrigo Compañ Sarmiento, Janeth Rodriguez Campechano, Valeria de Jesus Lorenzo Gamboa, Nayeli Sareli Cantero García, Estefany Bichi Delgado