Non-monetary benefits of education on children's health
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Economics of Education
Non-Monetary Benefits of Education
Self-Perceived State of Health
Benefits of Education
Effects of Schooling of Mothers and Fathers Economía de la Educación
Beneficios No Monetarios de la Educación
Salud Autopercibida
Beneficios de la Educación
Escolaridad de las Madres y Padres

How to Cite

Álvarez-Mendoza, T. K. (2025). Non-monetary benefits of education on children’s health: Long-term intergenerational effects on health status perception. Interconectando Saberes, (19), 101–112.


This work analyzes the relationship that exists between parents' schooling and the long-term health status of their children. To achieve this, it was based on the information contained in the EMOVI 2017 of the CEEY with data on the self-perception of the health status of adults. and their parents' education. A binomial logistic regression model was built to predict the probability of the respondents perceiving themselves as healthy and the influence that parental education has on the self-perception of health status, considering control variables such as age, sex, household income, indigenous language-speaking parents, and urban or rural location. It was found that the mother's education generates stronger long-term effects than that of the father and that household income has a significant effect on the self-perceived health of the respondents.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Tania Karina Álvarez-Mendoza