The civic democracy or democracy of responsibilities
Portada Dossier 2
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Democracia Cívica
Comportamientos Cívicos y Ciudadanos
Responsabilidades Democracy
Civic and citizen behaviors

How to Cite

Rodríguez Edeza, M. Ángel, & Martínez Pérez, A. M. (2025). The civic democracy or democracy of responsibilities: The construction of the democratic citizen. Interconectando Saberes, (Dossier2), 71–87.


The initial challenge is distinguishing between obligations and responsibilities: the former are legal, while the latter are cultural. This project introduces the concept of civic democracy or democracy of responsibilities, focusing on analyzing the extent to which citizens are democratically committed, not only to their rights but also to their responsibilities. Democracy is usually approached from the perspective of the authorities' obligations and citizens' rights, but little attention is given to citizens' responsibilities, often limited to political actions such as voting or protesting, sometimes under obligation. However, a quality democracy must go beyond these limits, fostering citizens who are responsible for their civic and political duties and culturally prepared. In Mexico, for example, some local legislations include the Bando de Policía y Buen Gobierno (Police and Good Governance Code). This project aims to analyze how far citizens take responsibility for their democracy beyond what is established by law and explore ways to encourage this commitment. To achieve this, a non-probabilistic survey was conducted with 241 adult citizens in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, evaluating minimum political, civic, and citizen behaviors necessary for a quality democracy. The results show that, although many citizens fulfill their minimum obligations, the majority do not fully assume the necessary responsibilities, making it difficult for democracy not only to thrive but also to sustain and evolve in a sustainable way.
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