This article explores the relationship between the subject and narrative identity in the design of solutions for educational problems. It investigates how ontology and Western philosophy have conceptualized being and existence, providing a basis for understanding identity. It delves into the narrative theory of Paul Ricoeur, who distinguishes between the idem (identity of the same) and the ipse (identity of the self), and in the ethics of liberation of Enrique Dussel, who emphasizes the importance of social justice and intersubjectivity. The epistemological and linguistic ruptures that affect the construction of the subject are also examined, as well as the impact of these ruptures on education. Finally, the relevance of community and intersubjectivity in the formation of the self and its application in educational design is analyzed. The article offers a comprehensive perspective for understanding how philosophical and theoretical frameworks can inform the development of more effective educational solutions.
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Copyright (c) 2025 José Efraín Ferrer Cruz , Anahin Arau Fabián, Mónica Guzmán Cortés, Brenda Elizabeth Negrete Narcizo