Proposal for the development of a support tool for anxiety diagnosis in the TECNM-Tuxtepec community
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TIC’s Anxiety

How to Cite

Valeriano Orozco, M., Villalobos Serrano, J. A., Ferrer Cruz , J. E., Villalobos Serrano, A., Baranda Moreno, M. Y., & Musule Alfaro, A. (2025). Proposal for the development of a support tool for anxiety diagnosis in the TECNM-Tuxtepec community. Interconectando Saberes, (19), 191–202.


In the current context, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have revolutionized multiple aspects of society, playing a crucial role in areas such as education, health, and information management. These tools not only facilitate access to data, but also offer innovative solutions to approach complex problems. In the educational field, in particular, ICTs have allowed the implementation of effective strategies to improve both the learning process and the overall well-being of students. One of the most relevant problems in higher education is the mental health of students. Factors such as academic demands, social and family pressures, as well as personal expectations, contribute significantly to the increase in conditions such as anxiety. In this context, educational institutions face the challenge of implementing tools and strategies that allow them to diagnose, manage, and approach this problem effectively.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Meztli Valeriano Orozco, José Alberto Villalobos Serrano, José Efraín Ferrer Cruz , Antonio Villalobos Serrano, Miryam Yanit Baranda Moreno, Alioth Musule Alfaro