Democratic setbacks in Latin America
Portada Dossier 2
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Degradación Democrática
América Latina
El Salvador Democratic Degradation
Latin America
El Salvador

How to Cite

Silva Marques, R., & Silva de Oliveira, A. (2025). Democratic setbacks in Latin America: Comparative study of the cases of Venezuela, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Interconectando Saberes, (Dossier2), 1–13.


This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of democratic degradation in Latin America, focusing on the cases of Venezuela, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. The research seeks to understand the erosion of democratic institutions in these countries. Through a review of specialized literature and a comparative study of the cases, the work argues that democracy in Latin America is under attack, facing a dangerous reconfiguration that combines authoritarian and democratic elements. The hypothesis is that the combination of political, economic, and social factors, such as inequality, corruption, and political polarization, creates fertile ground for the advancement of hybrid regimes, which are characterized by a combination of practices that are simultaneously democratic and authoritarian. The conclusion points to the need to strengthen democratic institutions, promote citizen participation, and prevent anti-democratic attacks as crucial elements to preserve democracy in Latin America.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Rodolfo Silva Marques, André Silva de Oliveira