Social dimension of the teaching practice. Comparative study between the University of Cienfuegos (Cuba) and the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (Mexico)
Número 7, Año 4
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Estudio comparado
práctica docente Comparative study
teaching practice

How to Cite

George Reyes, C. E. (2019). Social dimension of the teaching practice. Comparative study between the University of Cienfuegos (Cuba) and the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (Mexico). Interconectando Saberes, (7).


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are tools that have been gradually integrated into the pedagogical activities carried out by teachers with the premise that they will produce changes in the way curricular contents are taught, however, suppose that In all educational institutions there is a sufficient technological infrastructure to carry out this activity, or that devices that are available are used efficiently, it is risky. With the purpose of assessing the way in which ICTs have been integrated into teaching practice, George and Veytia (2017) designed the ITIC-PD model (Integration of ICT in Teaching Practice) that allows identifying the levels in different dimensions those that incorporate technologies in educational work. The objective of this research was to compare the approach of teachers to ICT infrastructure from the Social Dimension of this model and if these approaches are producing pedagogical changes, a questionnaire was used and interviews were conducted with teachers from two Latin American universities. The findings showed that even though there are notable differences regarding the technological infrastructure with both institutions, they do not generate transcendental pedagogical changes, so it is concluded that presupposing that the presence of technologies entails an educational transformation by itself is a fallacy.
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