Analysis of the impact of the CASE Progranimate tool on students of the Veracruz region engineering campus of the Universidad Veracruzana as part of the support tools to learn how to program
Número 7, Año 4
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Razonamiento humano
Herramienta CASE
Human reasoning
CASE tool

How to Cite

Espinoza Maza, J. de J., Fragoso Terán, J. M., Rodríguez Rodríguez, L. A., Aguirre Orozco, U. G., & Macgluf Issasi, A. (2019). Analysis of the impact of the CASE Progranimate tool on students of the Veracruz region engineering campus of the Universidad Veracruzana as part of the support tools to learn how to program. Interconectando Saberes, (7).


The human reasoning is the leading factor in the programming learning process, and the support with a variety of techniques and elements are part of the success, these elements are related to the tools that can work as a guide to obtain the computing solution to a problem such as flow diagrams, pseudo codes and development of some programming language. This article aims to support the tasks about building solutions to programming issues.
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