Transdiscipline and multidimensionality: a view from the educational context
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Resolución de problemas
Pensamiento complejo
Problem solving
Complex thinking

How to Cite

Suaza Jimenez, J. H. (2020). Transdiscipline and multidimensionality: a view from the educational context. Interconectando Saberes, (10).


The new ways of thinking lead to sciences that are dedicated to their understanding. Complex thinking and the problems as complex systems can be seen from the point of view of multidimensionality and from the need of incorporate multiple disciplines to face them. This is not an exception in the educative context where the students have multiple ways and learning styles and the purpose is to improve the way the world is understood systematically. Still, many institutions are not prepared for it. Therefore, the concepts of transdiscipline and multidimensionality are defined and their importance in the solution of real problems from the theory of complexity is analyzed on each one.
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