Framing Development and Sustainability from Anthropology and Culture
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Anthropological Currents
Brundtland Report Desarrollo
Corrientes antropológicas
Informe Brundtland

How to Cite

León Estrada, X. del A. (2022). Framing Development and Sustainability from Anthropology and Culture. Interconectando Saberes, (13), 141–150.


The purpose of this text is to contextualize the issues transversal to development and sustainability from an anthropological perspective. I carried out a review and selection of texts to explain how the issue of development arose, the objectives it served, the type of actions or strategies that were promoted and their social, environmental, and economic consequences. To analyze the term "development", I reviewed proposals from authors from different perspectives and historical contexts, wherein I discuss socio-environmental problems within a multidisciplinary framework, highlighting the cultural factor within anthropological currents. To provide a contemporary context, I refer to sustainable development as presented by the Brundtland Report and the 2030 Agenda, with a critical view. Finally, I conclude that the application of cultural perspectives to explain development and sustainability is fundamental in a closer understanding of the diverse realities and needs experienced by peoples, cultures, and within territories.
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