Mobile application as a motivational tool in learning mathematics through games in basic education
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Mobile Application
Basic Education Aplicación Móvil
Educación Básica

How to Cite

Otero Escobar, A. D., Suárez Jasso, E., & Ostos Cruz, C. E. (2023). Mobile application as a motivational tool in learning mathematics through games in basic education. Interconectando Saberes, (16), 11–18.


This research presents a mobile application as a tool to motivate the learning of the hierarchy of mathematical signs through games. The mobile application was provided to a group of fifth grade children from a public school located in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico; a control group with traditional teaching mechanisms and an experimental group using the mobile application were considered, both with the task of solving problems of hierarchy of signs. Thus, the objective of this research was to identify the elements that intervene in the motivation of learning the hierarchy of mathematical signs through a mobile application. It was concluded that the use of mobile applications as a learning tool is enriching and attractive for children who expressed a high motivation to learn through games.
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