The position of the knowledge society is that the inhabitants of the world should participate in this movement (Drucker, 1959), only a part of the people can have access to the tools of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). 63% of the world's population has access to the Internet (World Bank, 2022). Assuming that it is a global movement that encloses all individuals [taking into account that there are three types of citizenship, the digital citizen, the digital immigrant citizen and the digital foreign citizen. The aim of this article is to present the perspective and say that there is a single society in contexts of economic equality, use and ownership of ICT tools which is desirable but utopian, to pretend this is to speak of unreality, people do not have the right circumstances to have these. Methodologically, any society can be studied and it will present inequality among its inhabitants. Taking into account, “Brave New World” by Huxley (1932), the members of this society present roles with different characteristics in the economic and their responsibilities, as well as education, there are classes (misnamed as such) as in the knowledge society.
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