Challenges for Teachers of the 21st Century. Transborder new teaching paradigms
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paradigma de enseñar
reformas educativas change
paradigm of teaching
educational reforms

How to Cite

Malpica Ichante, S., & Hernández Méndez, G. (2018). Challenges for Teachers of the 21st Century. Transborder new teaching paradigms. Interconectando Saberes, (6), vii - xiii.


The purpose of this text is to foster reflection on the challenge that teachers of this century pose for the paradigm shift in teaching. Innovate, transform or modify the teaching of teachers, is part of the discourses of educational reforms framed in government policies, without a full analysis of what, why and what to change. Thus, the insistence on the transformation of teaching has been carried out from the technical-instrumental point of view and often without the consent of the teachers, main actors of teaching-learning.
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