Transforming education for a time of crisis
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Transform Teaching
Critical Perspective
Technological Innovation Transformar la enseñanza
Perspectiva Crítica
Innovaci´ón Tecnológica

How to Cite

Hernández Méndez, G., & Hernández Méndez, E. (2022). Transforming education for a time of crisis. Interconectando Saberes, (13), 67–74.


The current situation that the whole world is living around the pandemic caused by COVID-19, a phenomenon that brought with it many complications, especially in the school field; since the school unexpectedly closed its doors and the teaching staff barely managed to list tasks for fifteen days, without imagining that the quarantine would last, to date. Uncertainties were immediate, and educational agents all over the world immediately encouraged the use of innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The following lines constitute our reflections that, as teachers, we develop from living this reality closely. We support the thesis that, more than concentrating emphatically on the use of ICT as a way to solve the problem of educating students in this time of crisis, other conceptions and ways of teaching are required. It is not that ICTs are discarded, on the contrary, they are indispensable, but their use will be useless if the conception of teaching is not transformed. In this sense, the objective of the article is to encourage reflection, especially by teachers and managers, about the need to transform teaching paradigms.
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