No. 9 (5)
Interconectando Saberes, Issue 9

Year: 5

Publication Date: March 09, 2020

Reseña Libros

Gina Constanza Quintero Aldana
Book Review: Development Education
PDF (Español)

Scientific Research

Sara Itzel Arcos Barreiro, M. Garrett Delavan, G. Sue Kasun, Angélica Hernández
Love for the land and language: Concaminating with teachers in indigenous Mexican territory
PDF (Español)
Felipe Hernández Marañón
Innovation as a key for the ornamental industry to transcend in the state of Veracruz
PDF (Español)
Francisco Javier Guzmán Games, Marco A. Velázquez Albo
Digital divide in the student community of the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla
PDF (Español)
Nicol Gónzalez Avila, Ignacio López Martínez, Noé Hernández García
Approach to Benchmark Analysis on Virtual Assistants
PDF (Español)
Carlos Luis Sánchez-Pacheco
Gamification in public basic education - application possibilities
PDF (Español)
Natalia Murrieta Martinez
Current state of education for sustainability in business schools in Mexico
PDF (Español)
Giselle Rodríguez Rudi, Nalleli Patricia Bolaños Pérez
Colombian institutions and Economic Growth
PDF (Español)
Fernando Marcelo Borja Borja, Jaime Roder Ortega Pereira
Factors determining the evasion of income tax: A review of the literature
PDF (Español)
Alberto García Leyva
Exhibition of concepts on public policies for sustainable development and decent life
PDF (Español)
Elda Magdalena López Castro, Margarita Altamirano Vásquez, Natalia Murrieta Martínez
Metropolitan areas and employment generation, study from the Total Occupied Population
PDF (Español)
José Alejandro Pérez-Nájera
Income inequality in Mexico. An approach from development theories
PDF (Español)
Margarita Altamirano Vásquez, Elda Magdalena López Castro, Gloria Virginia Santamaría Vicarte, Lorena Hernández Trejo
The impact of volatility on the functionality of cryptocurrencies
PDF (Español)