No. 19 (10): Interconectando Saberes, Issue 19
Interconectando Saberes, Issue 19


Manuel Suárez Gutiérrez, Dario Fabian Hernández González
Connecting Perspectives
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Scientific Research

José Andrés Castillo Hernández
The knowledge society and the other society, an unbridgeable gulf?
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Florentino Silva Becerra
The Articulation of the Institutional Group in the School
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Oscar Valencia Aguilar
Chaordic Tensions: A proposal for analyzing educational public policies front institutional actions in basic education
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José Efraín Ferrer Cruz
Didactic Strategies and Methodologies from a Critical Perspective: An Analysis of Teaching Practice
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Elsa Suárez Jasso, Cecilia Esperanza Ostos Cruz, Alma Delia Otero Escobar, Emmanuel Romero Hernández
Role-Playing Games for the Improvement of Organizational Climate and Job Training within the Framework of Mexican Labor Legislation
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Alma Delia Otero Escobar
Lean Startup as an innovation in the educational practice of technological solutions projects in accounting
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Karina Culebro Castillo, Luis Alejandro Gazca Herrera, Jessica Garizurieta Bernabe, Itzel Vargas Santos
Study of authorship in generative AI in text editing in university students
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Mónica Guzmán Cortés, José Efraín Ferrer Cruz
The relationship between emotions and educational quality in Mexico: Challenges and opportunities for designing solutions
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Tania Karina Álvarez-Mendoza
Non-monetary benefits of education on children's health: Long-term intergenerational effects on health status perception
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Julio Cesar Cruz Salas
Public Spending and Social Welfare in Veracruz. Part I: 1980-1992
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Leticia Valdés Vargas, José Jorge Eufracio
Entrepreneurship and income seeking as the basis for economic and social growth in a rural-satellite area: El Paradero de Cerro Gordo, municipality of Emiliano Zapata, Veracruz
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Jerson Mauricio Rodríguez del Carmen, José Efraín Montero Mora, Alicia Corina García Moyano Romero, Anabel Galván Sarabia, César Vega Zárate
Circular economy as a promoter of local development
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Dulce Yaneth López Romero
Digital entrepreneurship as an innovation strategy in emerging businesses: An analysis from a competitiveness perspective
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Carlos Alberto Hernández Medina, Magdalys Alibet Carrasco Fuentes
Integration of science and innovation for the breakthrough of a tropical agriculture paradigm
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Lourdes Landero Hernández, José Luis Pérez Chacón, César Isidro Carvajal Hernández
Biocultural landscapes: Building a paradigm for conservation
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Meztli Valeriano Orozco, José Alberto Villalobos Serrano, José Efraín Ferrer Cruz , Antonio Villalobos Serrano, Miryam Yanit Baranda Moreno, Alioth Musule Alfaro
Proposal for the development of a support tool for anxiety diagnosis in the TECNM-Tuxtepec community
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Margarita Altamirano Vásquez, Arantxa Carreón Solano
Unfair practices in international trade: The case of Mexico
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José Efraín Ferrer Cruz, Anahin Arau Fabián, Mónica Guzmán Cortés, Brenda Elizabeth Negrete Narcizo
Subject and narrative identity: Philosophical and theoretical explorations in the design of solutions for educational problems
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